vishaal kshetr men example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of vishaal kshetr men 1. अधिकांश यूरोप, उत्तरी अफ़्रीका और मध्य-पूर्व तक के विशाल क्षेत्र में दो सशक्त साम्राज्यों का शासन था।

Given are the examples of hindi word vishaal kshetr men usage in english sentences. The examples of vishaal kshetr men are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., widely.

For example, literature on dancing, public speaking, acting or music is widely recognised.

These tests are widely used for the purposes of clinical diagnosis, guidance, personnel selection, placement, and training.
Case studies are widely used by clinical psychologists.
Wechsler, whose intelligence tests are most widely used, understood intelligence in terms of its functionality, i.e. its value for adaptation to environment.
While assessing intelligence, psychologists often found that people with similar intelligence differed widely in acquiring certain knowledge or skills.
However, this method is not widely used in practice, as it does not help in assuming accuracy of balances of various accounts and and preparation of the fianancial statements.
Honey is widely used and therefore beekeeping for making honey has become an agricultural enterprise.
Although his idea was not widely accepted at that time, he, for his work, was later awarded Davy Medal in 1887 by the Royal Society, London.
A modern version, the so-called long form of the Periodic Table of the elements (Figureure 2), is the most convenient and widely used.
The one which is the most widely used is the Pauling scale.
संबंधित शब्द विशाल क्षेत्र में के पर्यायवाची